Plymouth's Princess Yachts gets staff back to work during Covid-19 thanks to social distancing and safety measures

People in the West Country are being granted new freedoms from today, 13 May 2020, as the Government begins to relax coronavirus lockdown measures.

Many people are being encouraged to go back to work with ministers aiming to get the economy going again following the outbreak.

Credit: ITV West Country

Employees are starting to return to offices and factories, provided that it is safe to do so.

Princess Yachts in Plymouth has introduced social distancing measures on its production line, with cleansing stations and workers keeping their hands and faces covered.

Matt Clark, the firm's Health and Safety manager, says they are measures the employees are already familiar with in the outside world.

Engineers at Princess Yachts are wearing masks and gloves to keep themselves and their colleagues safe during Covid-19. Credit: ITV West Country

Matt continues, "The hearts and mind aspect is vitally important. If people can visualise the safety around them - they see new access and egress routes, they see the sanitisation stations, they see the washrooms are set up differently and the marking of those areas is different. We've got a great deal of posters to ensure that people are able to see the difference from the first day they start here."

The various changes at Princess Yachts are part of a trial scheme which, if successful, could mean more engineers can come back to work at the site.

Princess Yachts has marked out areas so that workers keep to social distancing rules. Credit: ITV West Country

The Prime Minister wants more manufacturing and construction businesses to adapt, like Princess Yachts, as he tries to chart the country's course out of lockdown.