Somerset postman wears different costume every day to help overcome isolation and depression during Coronavirus lockdown

A postman has been brightening Bruton residents' days by dressing upin a different costume each day.

Mark Shotton, who has been a postman for almost ten years, had to isolate for a week with Coronavirus symptoms.

When he returned to work, a Bruton resident who previously owned afancy-dress shop, suggested he should dress up while doing his postroute and lent him some costumes.

Mark, who has suffered with depression, said that the first day he made his deliveries in fancy dress many residents told him that he had brightened their day and made them smile.

Bruton residents have continued to donate costumes to help him wear adifferent outfit every day.

Sarah Miles, an Uphills resident said: “I just think what he’s doing is soamazing to try and put smiles on people’s faces at a hard time likethis.

“He’s an absolute legend. My little girl thinks he’s hilarious and sodo I”.

Mark also makes sure he reaches out to people who might be struggling during lockdown. Credit: Somerset Live

Mark also decided to post on Facebook asking children to drawpictures of postmen and stick them in their window.

He said: “My daughter said she was finding it difficult to find things for thekids to do so I thought if parents could get their children to draw apicture, it would give them a break”.

Each picture drawn has been photographed and Mark wants to judgethem, awarding a prize for the best one.

The Royal Mail has introduced special measures for postal employees to ensure social distancing is maintained. Credit: Somerset Live

Mark said that as he suffers with depression, he not only wantsto raise people’s spirit with his costumes but make sure he reachesout to people who might be struggling during lockdown.

Katy-Liane Williams, another Bruton resident, said that Mr Shotton hadreached out to her.

She said: “Mark is one top man. He always brightens our days up andstops to asks how your day is going. I suffer with anxiety and hereached out to me. I’m forever grateful."