Wiltshire's rocketman: real-life superhero flies into Taunton

An inventor from Wiltshire flew into his old school today to inspire a future generation of engineers.

Richard Browning, who went to Queen's College in Taunton, attended the school on Friday (24 January) to open its new engineering centre.

The 'iron man' flew in using his very own body-controlled, jet engine-powered suit.

In November 2019 the entrepreneur broke his own world record when he reached a speed of 85mph flying over Brighton Pier.

The Somerset college says the UK is facing a "serious and significant shortage of engineers" and invited Richard to open the new centre in the hope he could inspire students.

A spokesperson from the college said: "Richard embodies all the things we are trying to promote within the school - creative thinking, problem solving, risk taking, persistence and courage with a little touch of magic..."

Take a look at the real-life superhero:

It doesn't always go to plan, though. Take a look at Richard's Instagram here.