'We never expected this' - EU nationals confused and frustrated by Brexit application process

Aga Kowalska came to the UK from Poland 13 years ago Credit: ITV News

European citizens in the West Country have told ITV News the process of applying to stay here after Brexit has left them feeling confused and frustrated.

The government is piloting a mobile application for Europeans to gain 'settled status' once the UK leaves the EU.

But problems have been reported with the app, and campaigners say the process could have been made easier.

The app is still in testing phase and will be rolled out at the end of March Credit: ITV News

The Government is facing growing criticism due to problems with the technology. The app is still in testing mode and only available on Android devices, not on iPhones. Campaigners say this is making things unnecessarily difficult.

Maike Bohn founded Bristol-based campaign group 'the3million' Credit: ITV News

The Home Office says it is only during this current phase of testing that people need to use the 'Identity Document Check' app, which is only available on Android phones, to verify their identity.

When the scheme is fully live at the end of March, it will be rolled out to all devices and computers.

The Home Office says the settlement scheme is proving successful Credit: ITV News