Wiltshire teenager suffering from 'Locked In' syndrome amazes doctors

Credit: ITV West Country

A Wiltshire teenager is confounding medical experts by recovering from 'Locked In Syndrome.'

Miranda Meldrum, 14, suffered a catastrophic brain haemorrhage in April 2017. She nearly died and was left paralysed, unable to move her limbs or even talk.

But her brain was unaffected, she was able to hear, see and think as perfectly as before. Her working mind was entombed in a body which refused to move.

Miranda communicated with doctors and her mother, Stella, by blinking at a list of letters - spelling out words.

But 18 months on, after intensive treatment at the Bristol Children's Hospital, Miranda is making a stunning recovery. Her nerve system has started to work, she can move her arms, she can talk and although she spends a lot of her time in a wheelchair she has also made tentative steps.

Miranda has also started singing lessons again. She was a powerful vocalist. The last lesson she took was on the day before her haemorrhage.

Now she has returned to the Wiltshire Music Centre in Bradford on Avon.

She plans to return to school in November and to return to her home in December.