What to do if you are homeless or want to help

Useful contacts for people who are homeless, rough sleeping or in a housing crisis - or indeed want to help or support them.

St Mungo’s is a charity and housing association working directly, every day, with people who are sleeping rough, in hostels and at risk of homelessness.

It helps people rebuild their lives AND fulfil their hopes and ambitions. It aims to be there for every step of the journey away from homelessness.

St Mungo's also operates the StreetLink scheme. This is a national referral service that people can use to let the charity know about someone they are concerned about who is sleeping rough. StreetLink connects homeless people with local support.

  • If you are concerned about someone who is sleeping rough, visit St Mungo's StreetLink website.

Julian House operates across the South West. It aims to support socially excluded people to build independent lives.

It offers a range of services from overnight shelters to employment schemes to help homeless people back to work. It has services in:

  • Bath & NE Somerset

  • Bristol

  • South Gloucestershire

  • Somerset

  • Exeter & Devon

  • Wiltshire & Swindon

Crisis Centre Ministries is famous for its Wild Goose cafe and drop in centre. It has been operating in Bristol for 30 years and aims to transform lives by offering food, shelter, hope and support to the most vulnerable in the community

The homelessness charity Shelter campaigns for change and offers legal advice. It has a national helpline but also provides face-to-face help across our region.