University of Bristol reveals plans for new £300 million campus
The University of Bristol has released plans for its new £300 million campus next to Bristol Temple Meads.
Known as the Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus, the development will be one of the city’s most significant regeneration projects in recent history.
Now the University has opened up a public consultation for local residents and businesses to share their views on the proposals. It will be online from 19 June to 21 July. There will also be exhibitions of the plans at Engine Shed by Bristol Temple Meads and Beacon House on the Triangle from 20 June to 7 July, plus special consultation events at Engine Shed and Paintworks.
Across the seven-acre site there will be teaching and research focusing on digital technologies.
The plans span the derelict former Royal Mail sorting office and part of Arena Island. The University also wants to expand its Engine Shed enterprise hub and build a new student village.
New cycle lanes and pedestrian links to the surrounding area and high-quality landscaping of the surrounding public areas are also part of the planning ideas.
Fully developed, the Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone, which the University of Bristol Enterprise Campus will sit in, has the potential to attract over 17,000 jobs over its 25-year lifetime and add a further £100 million a year to the city's economy.
A second round consultation will follow in September before an outline planning application is submitted to Bristol City Council later in the year. Applications for individual buildings will follow, with further consultation in 2018/19.
Construction work is scheduled to get underway in 2019 and the University hopes the campus will open in time for the start of the 2021/22 academic year.
Consultation information:
Online consultation runs online from 19 June to 21 July
Public exhibitions from 20 June to 7 July at Engine Shed (Monday to Friday open 8.30am to 5.30pm) and Beacon House (Monday to Friday open 8am to 7pm and weekends 10am to 4pm)
Consultation events at Engine Shed on 21 June and 5 July, from 3pm to 7pm, and at Paintworks on 4 July, from 3pm to 7pm
Those not online can call 0117 977 2002 to give feedback