It's that time of year again - n'aww-tivity
It's that time of year again when parents dig out tea towels and makeshift halos in preparation for their little one's school nativity.
We've been watching a dress rehearsal at Redhills Primary School in Exeter - where the cast have been putting on quite a show.
Everyone remembers the agony and the ecstasy of the school nativity.
Weeks learning your lines and hours spent concocting the perfect outfit.
And for many of these five and six-year-olds, it's the first time they've ever walked the boards.
This nativity follows Toby and his rather loud drum.
Now you may not remember Toby from your school days, but his story brings in all the usual characters.
And of course one of the most important jobs is telling the tale...
It's a tense time for the mums and dads out there.
Not everything works out, but it's times that will be treasured forever.
And among the glitter and fancy footwork important lessons are being learnt.
You can watch the whole package, from our reporter Andrea Bishop, in full below: