New RPZ scheme will triple Cornwall parking charges
Thousands of motorists across Cornwall will see charges to park outside their homes tripled under a 3.6 million pound residents parking scheme.
Work will start first in Truro this October - other places including Penzance, Wadebridge and Bude are on the list but work won't start there until 2018.
On Glen Road in Wadebridge fire crews were recently hampered by parked cars on both sides of the road.
Cornwall Council intends to tackle the problem of over crowded streets by introducing more resident parking only zones.
The current charge for parking permits is £25 a year - but that will raise to £80 with any additional cars costing a further £120.
The news of the new scheme has had a mixed response from people living in the area:
Wadebridge Councillor Stephen Knightley says he's in favour of Parking Permits in the town but not at the at the prices they intend to charge.
"When we first started talking about this we were talking about £20 to £28 and everyone seemed quite happy with that.
"They thought it was reasonable for what they were getting out of it.
"But the figures that are coming out of highways at the moment are £80 for one car that's a considerable sum and and i know people who are anxious."
There is a limited resident parking scheme already operating in Truro and this will be extended.
Other schemes will be introduced over the next three years.
Where else will RPZ schemes be introduced?
St Ives