The view that might be destroyed by a solar farm

People living around Aller Moor near Langport say a planning inspector has made a terrible mistake by allowing a 55 acre solar farm to be built there.

The solar farm, roughly the size of 30 football pitches, is to be built on the light coloured land in front of the line of willow trees in the picture. It will be visible from all the surrounding hills.

The inspector overturned South Somerset Council's refusal, saying the development would only have a moderate impact on the landscape. They disagree.

The impact on the landscape of a solar farm near Wellington Credit: ITV News

The residents don't want the solar farm spoiling the area, which includes landmarks like Glastonbury Tor and Burrow Mump - especially as its role as a tourist attraction is currently being developed.

They also warn it would be sacrificing the valuable wetlands habitat.

Campaigners can challenge the planning inspector's decision through a judicial review but it is a costly process and there is no guarantee it would succeed.

The campaigners say local landmarks like Burrow Mump would be affected by the solar farm Credit: ITV News