Druid says he will not 'pay to pray' at Stonehenge

Senior druid, King Arthur Pendragon, is angry at a decision by English Heritage to charge people £15 to park at Stonehenge for the summer solstice celebrations.

He believes the charge is breaching his human rights and says he will defy any move to force him to 'pay to pray'.

King Arthur Pendragon's message Credit: Facebook

In an interview with ITV News, King Arthur Pendragon points out that visitors to the English Heritage site are only charged £5.

He said that he was not going to pay the fee and that he would encourage others not to do so.

  • Watch King Arthur Pendragon on the disputed parking fee

English Heritage says it has introduced the charge to make the event greener, it has also made the celebrations alcohol-free.

Crowds gathered at Stonehenge at dawn to celebrate the solstice in 2014 Credit: PA
The so-called 'Battle of the Beanfield' at Stonehenge in 1985 Credit: PA

In the past there have been disturbances at the solstice celebrations, if there is a protest at Stonehenge this year, it will be first this century.