Jeremy Corbyn runs into his brother David during campaign visit to Bristol and Stroud

The Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been treading the campaign trail in Stroud and Bristol ahead of next month's local elections.

During his visit to a council-led housing estate in Dursley Mr. Corbyn ran into one of his four brothers - David - a former Concorde engineer who lives near Bristol.

The pair exchanged a hug before the younger of them by seven years - Jeremy - explained to the press and his supporters: "my family is enormous and extends far and wide".

Labour face important battles in the West at next month's local elections. The party jointly runs Stroud Council with the Liberal Democrats and Greens and in Bristol the elections for mayor, councillors and police and crime commissioner are also taking place.

During his visit Mr. Corbyn denied he was responsible for a list of his MP's loyalty, which labelled all three of those representing Bristol as either neutral or negative.

He also met a pair of beagles called Bertie and Wooster, waved at children, and smiled at babies.