New business uses people power to generate energy

Powered by people, inventors of The Witt device say it is the only one the world which can capture energy from all movement. Credit: ITV West Country

The makers of an award-winning South West invention that could transform the way we get our electricity - are asking for the public's help.

The inventors of The Witt device say it is the only one the world which can capture energy from all movement and turn it into power.

It's a like an executive toy - move it in any direction and watch that flywheel spin around. But this is no toy. There are some very serious people claiming this could be the next big thing in renewable power. >In Plymouth, they've been seeking crowd-funding to turn this multi-award winning idea into a saleable product.

Credit: Witt Company Video

Schaeffler is an international car components company with a £12 billion turnover, and they're convinced this is going to be big.

The first commercial product is likely to harness wave and tidal movement. Project manager, Will Boult, who's got to make it work admits he wasn't impressed until he realised no-one had ever managed to do this before.

Credit: ITV West Country

It seems as though a retired civil engineer from South Devon may have found us a new answer to our energy needs.