The world's longest bank queue? Protestors in Glastonbury fight to keep a local branch

Campaigners got 400 people queuing, 400 potential customers for whichever bank stays in the town Credit: ITV News

Campaigners fighting the closure of all four High Street banks in Glastonbury have created what they believe is the biggest ever bank queue in the town.

It's part of a video campaign to persuade at least one bank to stay. Two banks have already gone, Barclays is due to shut on Friday and Lloyds is closing on April 4th.

Campaigners say Lloyds told them it only has 27 customers in the town. With this queueing campaign they want to show the support that's out there for a local branch.

Watch their campaign video:

The campaign has collected thousands of signatures.

Barclays and Lloyds say they have branches in nearby Street and fewer customers used them now.