Turning rubbish into electricity to power Exeter

How about using the contents of your bin to keep the lights on? Credit: ITV News

A new energy plant at Marsh Barton has developed an innovative way of generating electricity with regular household rubbish.

Lorries arrive at the site straight from their rounds, tipping tonnes of waste into a giant inferno, to be burned.

The heat is used to produce high pressure steam which turns a turbine to generate electricity. But even at such fierce temperatures, Adrian Middlewick from Marsh Barton, says some things don't burn:

The furnace reaches temperatures of 850°C to burn the rubbish. Credit: ITV News

Residents of Devon are some of the best in the country at recycling. More than 55% of their waste is recycled and composted.

The Government supports producing energy from waste in plants such as this, in the hope it will count towards targets for energy from renewable sources.