Baby seal recovering from pioneering surgery
A three-week-old seal pup is recovering after pioneering surgery to remove a severely wounded flipper.
Kerplunk - as she is now known - had to have the surgery after apparently being injured by an adult seal. She was rescued from Crackington Haven in Cornwall.
Vets say they were left with little option but to amputate after discovering that all bar one of Kerplunk's metatarsal bones were not just broken, but dead.
The pup is only the second rescue seal to ever have this operation - 'Silkie' underwent the same procedure in 2001, and adapted so well that she was able to be returned to the wild.
Paul Riley - a vet in Helston - examined Kerplunk when she arrived at the sanctuary and given anti-biotics and pain relief before being X-rayed.
Despite hopes that her flipper would heal, the damaged proved too extensive. After a successful operation, Kerplunk is now convalescing at the Cornish Seal Sanctuary.
If all goes well she will transfer to an outdoor pool in a few weeks time and could be fit enough to go free again by next spring.