Meet 8-year-old Roxy who was born a boy but is now living as a girl

Although there's been no physical treatment Roxy's family and friends refer to her as a female. Credit: ITV West Country

Meet 8-year-old Roxy who loves nothing more than wearing her favourite dress and playing with her princess dolls.

But this was not always the case as Roxy was born a boy but now lives as a girl.

Although there's been no physical treatment but Roxy's family and friends now refer to her as a female.

Her parents told ITV News West Country "we thought it was a phase because she was really young" but when she was four, she started asking them to refer to her as a girl.

And statistics show it's happening more often with the number of referrals to the NHS here in the West, increasing by 90 per cent during the last five years.

Hannah Gamlin went to meet her.