Helston celebrates Flora Day

The Midday Dance during Flora Day Credit: PA

Thousands of people took to the streets of Helston in Cornwall to mark Flora Day.

The ancient spring festival celebrates the passing of winter.

Houses and shops are decorated with greenery and flowers representing new life and vitality.

The parades began early in the morning with the first dance at 7am.

The pageant known as Hal an Tow tells the history of Helston with songs about the Spanish Armada and St George.

Local school children danced through the streets at 9.40am dressed all in white.

They spend weeks learning a special dance, and taking part is seen as a right of passage.

At midday around 80 invited couples wearing suits and gowns danced through the streets weaving in and out of shops and homes.

The ancient festival is one of our oldest surviving customs and marks the coming of spring. Kathy Wardle was there.