
U-turn on plans for iron ring sculpture at Flint Castle

The plans have been faced with opposition. Credit: Cadw/Welsh Government

The Welsh Government have announced they will be having a review of the proposed plans for an iron ring sculpture at Flint Castle.

Ken Skates AM said he will "take a pause and review" of the plans for the sculpture.

It comes as the £395k design, which symbolises a giant rusted crown, was described as "ignorant and insensitive". Critics say it represents the relationship between the medieval monarchies of Europe and the castles they built.

A number Plaid Cymru AMs and MPs, say it symbolises the oppression of Welsh people.

We have listened and recognise the strength of feeling around the proposed art installation at Flint Castle and feel it is only right that we now take a pause and review the plans for the sculpture. Working closely with local partners we will continue to work on proposals for developments at Flint, including reviewing new visitor facilities.

– Ken Skates, Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure