Vote Green in England urges Plaid Cymru
Plaid Cymru's election co-ordinator Lord Wigley urges Welsh voters living in England to consider voting for the Green Party
Plaid Cymru's election co-ordinator Lord Wigley urges Welsh voters living in England to consider voting for the Green Party
Labour have responded to Plaid Cymru's 'Vote Green' call by accusing the party of arrogance and failing to stand up for Wales. The party's issued a statement from its candidate in Carmarthen East and Dinefwr criticising Lord Wigley's comments.
The latest Welsh poll shows that this election is a race between Labour and the Tories with just one in ten people in wales considering supporting Plaid.
Rather than arrogantly telling people in England who they should vote for, Plaid politicians would do well to focus - as Welsh Labour are - on standing up for Wales against the Tory-led UK government.
Rain clipping the far north through the evening but elsewhere staying dry with some sunny spells.
Public Health Wales figures show 25 more cases of the virus have also been confirmed.
Photos taken on Saturday morning show Roald Dahl Plass strewn with empty beer bottles and discarded canisters of laughing gas.