Vote Green in England urges Plaid Cymru
Plaid Cymru's election co-ordinator Lord Wigley urges Welsh voters living in England to consider voting for the Green Party
Plaid Cymru's election co-ordinator Lord Wigley urges Welsh voters living in England to consider voting for the Green Party
The Green Party leader in Wales has welcomed Plaid Cymru's call for Welsh voters in England to consider voting Green. Plaid's Election co-ordinator Dafydd Wigley says the two parties share values and aims and would work together in parliament in parliament to try to force concessions from whichever party or parties form the UK Government. You can see Lord Wigley's comments by clicking here.
He's also said that he's not expecting Greens in Wales to return the favour and vote Plaid, although he'd like them to consider the option. The leader of the Wales Green Party, Pippa Bartolotti, says voters in Wales and England are looking for a change.
I’ve a great deal of time for Dafydd Wigley. He’s telling people to vote Green because he knows that Green policies and Green politics are essential for this country to pull away from austerity and turn the agenda towards protecting and helping the next generation who will be trapped in an impoverished world of dwindling resources.
Support for the Green Party in Wales is growing at an unprecedented rate. Voters in both England and Wales know that Punch and Judy politics must be consigned to the dustbin of history, and we must quickly move to a more inclusive, more thoughtful and more progressive kind of politics where the needs of everyone are properly considered. That means no more politics for the vested interests of the few.
Rain clipping the far north through the evening but elsewhere staying dry with some sunny spells.
Public Health Wales figures show 25 more cases of the virus have also been confirmed.
Photos taken on Saturday morning show Roald Dahl Plass strewn with empty beer bottles and discarded canisters of laughing gas.