
Welsh delegates at Liberal Democrat conference in Glasgow

The Welsh Liberal Democrats are in Glasgow for the UK party conference. Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg told ITV News that future Welsh Governments should have far-reaching powers over areas including policing, transport and major energy projects.

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  1. Nick Powell

All parties should back "proper parliament" for Wales says Welsh Lib Dem leader

Welsh Liberal Democrat leader Kirsty Williams will tell her party's UK conference in Glasgow that proposals to give the Welsh Assembly significant new powers should receive all party backing. The Silk Commission said important tax raising powers should be devolved to Wales, together with new areas of responsibility, including policing.

Energy, justice, tax varying powers, the list goes on - all will be delivered by the Liberal Democrats. Now is the time for the other parties to step up to the plate. I challenge them to do as Nick Clegg has done and sign up to the Silk Commission's recommendations - so that Wales can speak as one voice Wales must have a proper parliament. One that reflects the will of the people. One that has the powers to make a difference. One that shows that devolution really can work

– Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Kirsty Williams AM

She added that it was important to offer people hope after the divisions caused by the Scottish independence referendum. It was important that the right lesson was learnt from the result in Scotland.

The referendum must be a lesson that people across the UK want more of a say over their future. We must show that change is coming. Independence can't be their only option. The SNP, Plaid Cymru, UKIP - we can't let them divide us. Devolving power is in our DNA - it's what we do. The Liberal Democrats must now take back the devolution agenda.

– Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Kirsty Williams AM

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