
Road closure trial for Port Talbot to begin in August

The timetable for the closure of the slip road from the M4 motorway into Port Talbot has been confirmed - it will start on the 4th August.

Protesters say the J41 plans will damage trade, and cause traffic chaos. Credit: Steve Redmore.

Neath and Port Talbot Council say the timetable was agreed upon after a meeting with the Welsh Government. the town's Chamber of Trade and local businesses.

Campaigners asked the Welsh Government to drop the plans. Credit: Steve Redmore

The trial peak-time closure of the westbound slip road at Junction 41will start on 4th August 2014 between 0700 to 0900 and1600 to 1800, Monday to Friday.

Campaigners handed in a petition with more than 22,000 signatures against the closure plans which they say will hit trade and worsen traffic problems.