
Estyn report: 'Concerns remain' about writing standards

Pupils in Wales aged 7-14 are continuing to show a weakness when it comes to spelling, grammar and punctuation, according to the education inspectorate Estyn. But its report found the majority of pupils achieve good standards in English overall.

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Reading and writing progress 'still too slow' in Wales

The Chief Inspector of Estyn says the rate of progress in reading and writing is 'still too slow' for pupils aged seven to 14 in Wales.

Reading and writing are the key to success in all areas of the curriculum. Despite the improving trend in the standards of English, the rate of progress is still too slow for 7-14 year-olds in Wales to catch-up with other areas of the UK. Inaccuracies in spelling, punctuation and grammar reduce the quality of writing and affect standards.

However, there are schools that have been successful in raising standards in English and I urge others to download the report and follow the lead outlined in the best practice case studies.


– Ann Keane, Estyn Chief Inspector

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