
Welsh Liberal Democrat conference

Welsh Liberal Democrats are holding their conference in Newport

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Labour attacks 'irrelevant' Lib Dems

Welsh Labour has attacked the Welsh Liberal Democrats ahead of a speech in which the party's leader Kirsty Williams is expected to criticise the First Minister for his oversight of public services in Wales. A Labour spokesperson said,

Nick Clegg's Liberal Democrats are a growing irrelevance in Wales. They are shouting louder and louder to try and fill smaller and emptier conference halls.

If Kirsty Williams wanted to make Liberals relevant again she could start by demanding an end to the Tory war on Wales. Instead the Libs seem to be saddling up alongside Westminster coalition partners to denigrate the public sector in Wales, using the same bogus arguments and dodgy statistics for political gain. And they have failed miserably to support Wales on rail electrification.

– Welsh Labour spokesperson

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