
Ambulance targets missed

Response targets have been missed for thirteen months in a row according to figures released today.

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Welsh Government responds to Ambulance figures

The Welsh Government has responded to the latest figures which show ambulances here have missed their response time targets for the 12th month in a row.

Statistics don't always paint the full picture.

The Welsh Ambulance Service has shown great resilience in rebounding from a long, hard winter. The 5 percentage point improvement against the target for Category A between April and May 2013 is despite only a small fall in the number of Category A calls.

In Wales in May 2013, over 68% of emergency responses arrived at the scene within nine minutes, and over 76% of emergency responses arrived in 11 minutes.

We are encouraged by the commitment and hard work evident in the improvements seen in May and will now look to Local Health Boards to work with the Trust to build on that achievement.

– Welsh Government statement

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