
ME recognition & care 'lacking'

People with the condition ME in Wales say they suffer from an absence of specialist care, and have found a lack of sympathy and knowledge in the NHS and social services. The Welsh Government has admitted progress has not been universal around Wales.

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ME 'the most common neurological condition'

The charity The Welsh Association of ME & CFS Support says there are an estimated 12,000 people in Wales, making it the most common neurological condition.

  • ME – Myalgic Encephalomyelitis - is a condition which affects the brain
  • There is no agreement over what to call it - it is often referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • There is currently no single identifiable cause
  • Symptoms fluctuate - they are varied, and worse after physical and mental exertion
  • A small percentage of people make a complete recovery over time
  • There is currently no cure

It is currently ME Awareness Week.

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