
EU budget 'bad for Wales'

First Minister Carwyn Jones says he's disappointed with a deal to cut the EU budget, and claims Wales be 'up to £400m' poorer as a result.

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Poor countries will get a bigger share of EU aid

European Council President Herman van Rompuy says the Budget agreed by EU leaders means poorer countries in the Euro zone will get a bigger share of regional aid. The deal will leave less money for west Wales and the valleys, a poor region of the UK, which is one of the EU's wealthiest members.

This is a budget of moderation. We simply could not ignore the extremely difficult economic realities across Europe. So it had to be a leaner budget. For the first time ever, there is a real cut. In allocating structural funds, special attention was given to countries like Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Ireland. Overall, poorer countries will receive a larger share of cohesion funding.

– European Council President Herman van Rompuy

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