Labour Party conference
Welsh delegates are playing a prominent role at Labour's annual conference in Manchester - with Wales the only part of the UK where the party's in power
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Welsh delegates are playing a prominent role at Labour's annual conference in Manchester - with Wales the only part of the UK where the party's in power
The Shadow Welsh Secretary has told Labour's conference in Manchester that change may be needed 'to accomodate the ambitions' of those who want more decision-making in Wales and Scotland. Owen Smith told delegates that 'devolution is delivering' but that Wales is better off as part of the UK.
People in Wales, Scotland and England too want more local decision making and devolution or other constitutional change may be needed to accomodate those ambitions.
But separation or independence remains a minority interest- outweighed by economic and emotional reasons for Britain and the British people to stick together.
Shadow Welsh Secretary Owen Smith MP tells Labour's conference that the people of Wales want more decision-making but to remain in the UK
The Shadow Chancellor says it would be up to Welsh Govt to decide how to spend its share of proceeds from the 4G sell-off.
Carwyn Jones addresses delegates at the Labour Party conference, highlighting differences between Welsh Labour and the UK Government.