North Wales Police officers win bravery award

Two police officers from North Wales have been recognised for their fearlessness and bravery at this year's Police Bravery Awards.

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North Wales Police officers recognised for bravery

Two police officers from North Wales have been honoured with a Police Bravery award following their reaction to an armed man.

Sgt Gareth Davies and PC John Harrison were praised for the fearlessness at a ceremony in London last night.

PC John Harrison (middle) Sgt Gareth Davies (right)

The award was given to them following an incident where the pair tackled and arrested an armed man who said he was carrying a bomb.

The fearless duo had been called to the incident at the Guildhall in Wrexham just shortly before the Olympic torch was due to arrive in May 2012.

Dozens of staff and visitors had been evacuated from the building when the officers arrived and the pair went into the building to find the bomber.

I am constantly humbled and amazed by the selfless acts of bravery carried out by police officers on a day to day basis.

For every act of courage and bravery recognised in the Police Bravery Awards there are hundreds more that occur in our communities every day that go unrecognised.

– Steve White, chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales
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