Controversial Port Talbot junction closures cost more than £1.3million

ITV News can reveal that the cost of the controversial trial junction closures in Port Talbot to help ease traffic problems has topped more than £1.3million so far. The twice daily closures at peak times of the westbound on-slip at Junction 41 of the town started early in August as part of a six month experiment.

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Port Talbot junction closures: Your views

Since ITV Wales reported on the cost of the controversial trial junction closures in Port Talbot, you've been getting in touch with your views. Here are a few:

The M4 running through Port Talbot Credit: ITV Wales

As a resident of the Borough the waste of money on closing the junction is a disgrace. The relief road doesn't work unless you are travelling to Swansea and the A roads are an unprecedented nightmare especially around school times.

Only a matter of time before someone gets hurt or killed. The easiest solution is to take out the hard shoulder and make a longer slip road.

– Mosey12
Road closure in Port Talbot Credit: ITV Wales

I am disgusted by the ongoing closure, and the total waste of public money.

To think that traffic will somehow disappear if a junction is closed does not make sense, the traffic has just been rerouted around the narrow streets of the town, adding significantly to the congestion, and adding to journey times and local pollution.

This has the potential to kill the town, and for the area to suffer even more economic downturn than currently.

– Matt Williams
Road closure in Port Talbot Credit: ITV Wales

I travel by car, bike and often run to work. Although the bike is getting very dangerous of late, the motorway may be clear but our local roads and pinch points like the roundabout by Bagle Brook are congested and dangerous.

Only a matter of time before accidents will increase with darker nights drawing in and winter weather conditions,

– Lee Adams

M4 trial closure costs hit £1.3m in less than two months

A controversial scheme to ease rush hour traffic on the M4 around Port Talbot has cost some £1.3million so far, ITV News has learned, and that's just for an experimental period.

Local traders say it's hit their businesses badly. Richard Morgan reports.


M4 trial closure costs: the breakdown

Credit: ITV News/Kelsey Redmore

The trial closure came in at the beginning of August and so far has cost the Welsh Government a total of £806,000. Neath Port Talbot Council has also been given a further £500,000 to carry out minor works on to the road network in preparation for the trial.

Here's a breakdown of the costs:

  • studies and design work £190,000
  • preparatory work and installing monitoring equipment - £443,000
  • daily installation and removal of closure - £106,000
  • monitoring effect of trial closure - £67,000.

Initially, both the westbound on-slip and eastbound off-slip at Junction 41 were to close at peak times during the six-month trial, but in May it was confirmed that only the westbound sliproad would be subject to closures.

M4 junction closure: Send us your views

Credit: ITV News/Kelsey Redmore

A sliproad on a stretch of the M4 near Port Talbot is being closed at peak times to try and alleviate traffic congestion.

A Freedom of Information Act request has revealed it's cost £800,000 since the trial started in early August.

Do you think the trial is working or is it causing other problems? Send us your views:

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