Prison for Cardiff taxi driver

A taxi driver from Cardiff found guilty of deliberately knocking down eight people has been sentenced to 15 years in prison.

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Taxi driver will appeal sentence

Solicitors acting for Majid Rehman say they will launch an appeal against the prison sentence given to him today. They describe the 15-year sentence as 'off the Richter scale.'

Whilst it was accepted that a custodial sentence was inevitable upon conviction the sentenced passed today is off the Richter scale and we will launch an appeal.

– Mr Nadeem Majid M & M Solicitors


Victim: 'Lucky' to be alive

Mark Underwood was one of the passers-by knocked down by Majid Rehman in March. He got serious burns after being trapped underneath the taxi. Today, he went back to where it happened with our Correspondent Carl Edwards, and said he felt 'lucky' to still be alive.

Taxi driver targeted rail workers 'after argument'

Some of the pedestrians knocked down in March were seriously injured Credit: ITV News Wales

During Majid Rehman's trial, the court heard that he used his car to target six rail workers after having an argument at the taxi rank outside Cardiff Central station. He drove into the men, as well as two other passers-by on a pavement on Wood Street, close to the Millennium Stadium.


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