Windfarm noise protection call

The National Assembly for Wales's Petitions Committee has called for tighter regulation of noise from windfarms.

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"Health and wellbeing" affected by noise from windfarms

The Assembly's Petitions Committee report came after a consultation on the impact of noise from windfarm turbines. It received a large number of responses from the village of Gwyddgrug in Carmarthenshire, and visited two windfarms in the area.

We were told that some people no longer enjoyed being outside in their own gardens, others were afraid that their homes would be devalued and some had sleep problems leading to mental and physical health issues. The health and wellbeing of people living in Wales is a top priority and it is vital that residents living close to wind turbines are protected. The Committee recognises the importance of securing green energy sources to meet our energy needs in the future, however, this should not be done at the expense of people's health.

– William Powell AM, Chair of the Petitions Committee

The report comes as a response to a thousand-signature petition submitted to the National Assembly.

We call upon the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to pass a statute controlling the noise nuisance from wind turbines during anti-social hours. We ask for the implementation of respite periods during which time turbines would be switched off.

– Petition submitted to National Assembly

AMs recommend windfarm noise control measures

AMs heard from people who said noise from windfarms disrupts their everyday lives Credit: ITV News Wales

A group of Assembly Members is calling for tougher noise guidelines for windfarms. The National Assembly's Petitions Committee says bigger buffer zones should be introduced and faulty wind turbines should be switched off at night.

Their recommendations come in a report produced in response to a petition with more than a thousand signatures, calling for stricter noise control. The Welsh Government says it's received the report and will respond directly to the committee.


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