Gwent Police officer Simon Rohman sacked after arrest during drunken fight in Cardiff bar

An accelerated gross misconduct hearing was held on Friday where the officer was sacked

A Gwent Police officer has lost his job after he was involved in a fight while off duty a bar in Cardiff.

PC Simon Rohman was alleged to have been involved in a physical and verbal altercation with two members of the public at the venue in the Welsh Capital on Thursday 30 September 2021.

CCTV footage showed PC Rohman hit a member of the public. His actions led to door staff having to restrain him and he was arrested for being drunk and disorderly.

An investigation from Gwent Police’s professional standards department found that the former officer had breached the professional standards behaviour regarding ‘authority, respect and courtesy’, ‘discreditable conduct’ and ‘use of force’.

Chief Constable Pam Kelly ruled that the officer’s behaviour amounted to gross misconduct

At a hearing on Friday Chief Constable Pam Kelly ruled that the officer’s behaviour amounted to gross misconduct, taking the decision to dismiss the officer,

“Our communities deserve the highest of standards from officers. This off duty behaviour falls way below that standard.

“PC Rohman had every opportunity to walk away from a situation that was volatile, and this was much more than ‘two minutes of madness’.

“It was totally inappropriate behaviour and a standard I’m not prepared to accept at Gwent Police,

“The vast majority of police officers, staff and volunteers, who work for Gwent Police conduct themselves impeccably and work tirelessly to protect the public.

“Those very few who choose to breach the standards expected of them undermine the public’s trust in policing.

“There is no room for this type of conduct in Gwent Police.”

The officer will now be placed on the College of Policing’s barred list.