Woman gives birth in waiting room at Cardiff Central Station as baby arrives early

Michael, Evie's father, had to deliver her in the waiting room on platform 3 on August 3. Credit: Darcy Rogers

An expectant-mother had an early surprise when her baby decided it was time to be born, while at a train station in Cardiff.

Darcy Rogers, 21, from Newport, was on a family day out in the capital city two days before her due date when she started having contractions on the way back to Cardiff Central Station.

Darcy, who was with her partner Michael, daughter Amelia, step-son Kaiden and sister Lily, said she was hoping to make it home before the new baby arrived. But it soon became apparent that was not going to be an option.

Evie Eloise Sophie Kenyon was born in a waiting room at the station with the help of father Michael, who had to deliver her.

Darcy (pictured left) now has two daughters, Amelia (right) and new arrival Evie. Credit: Darcy Rogers

"Evie’s dad delivered her completely by himself, with help from train staff Sophie McConnell to keep calm in such a mad situation," Darcy said.

"The kids were being distracted by a police officer. He was letting them wear his hat and stuff, which I was very grateful for. The rail staff were absolutely amazing.

Meanwhile, Darcy's oldest sister, Jessica, rushed to meet them in Cardiff to collect the kids and bring hospital bags to the couple.

Three British Transport Police officers who were on shift at the station helped the couple by speaking to the emergency services over the phone, relaying delivering instructions to Michael and reassuring Darcy.

Evie was then born less than 30 minutes after being moved to the waiting room and five minutes before the ambulance arrived.

Darcy said: "I wasn’t worried at all in the moment and sort of knew I wasn’t going to make it to the hospital, but definitely tried to give it a good go at getting to one.

"The help from the police officers and the rail staff was very important to me and my family, and we will forever be grateful."

Police officers helped distract Darcy's step-son Kaiden (pictured above) and daughter Amelia while she gave birth at the station. Credit: Darcy Rogers

Both mum Darcy and Evie are doing well at home now.

Evie was born with an extra finger on each hand, a condition called polydactyly that around one in every 500 - 1,000 babies is born with.

The additional digits will not negatively affect Evie's health but Darcy wants to raise awareness of the condition, so future parents know more about it.