Speed camera goes rogue on Cardiff's Newport Road and flashes at innocent drivers

Newport Road is a busy thoroughfare for commuters in and out of Cardiff. Credit: Google

A busy speed camera in the heart of Cardiff has gone rogue and now flashes every few seconds at innocent drivers.

Puzzled drivers spotted the camera repeatedly blinking on and off all day and night, regardless of what speed motorists drive past at.

Road safety chiefs have confirmed that any drivers caught by the faulty device would not be ticketed or fined.

The camera, on a junction on the busy Newport Road in Cardiff, is passed by thousands of drivers making their daily commute in and out of Wales' capital.

It is one of the most prolific at catching speeding cameras in Wales and once caught 12,107 speeding motorists in one year alone.

Dad-of-two Martyn Thomas said he had been flashed by the camera when driving home last week.

"There was a line of cars in front of me and I saw it keep going off so I made sure I kept my speed down well under 30 but it still flashed," he said.

"I am waiting to see if there will be a fine in a post but clearly it's just broken."

A spokesman for GoSafe, who manage speed cameras across Wales, said they were investigating the fault and were unsure if it had been fixed yet.

He said: "I’ve received confirmation from the Safety Camera Unit covering the South Wales Police area that no offences would be processed if the camera is faulty.

"I’m aware that this camera went offline recently due to a reported fault and that the supplier was investigating.

"I’ve enquired as to whether it has been back online since this fault or whether the investigation in to the fault is still ongoing."