Bridgend pupils have their say on COP26 as their eco work gets global audience

Watch: ITV Reporter Hamish Auskerry speaks to pupils at Coychurch Primary School about climate issues

A teacher at a primary school in Bridgend has taken part in the Office for Climate Education's first ever 'Teachers COP' event, presenting to a global audience on the eco-work of the school.

Melanie Treadwell teaches at Coychurch Primary School. She was one of only three UK-based teachers chosen to make a presentation on leading the way in Climate Education at the event, and the only primary school teacher to do so.

The event in Glasgow, which preceded the COP26 climate change conference, involved teachers from around the world and provided an opportunity to vote on adopting a statement with concrete propositions to improve climate change education.

The school has now been invited to trial new climate change resources for the Office of Climate Education.

Some of Coychurch Primary's pupils spoke to ITV Wales about what they hoped COP26 would achieve.

Rosie said: "Use less Co2, plant more trees and clear up the oceans".

"I hope they achieve keeping levels of temperature down", Harrison said, "because otherwise our world may go".

Following the event, Mrs Treadwell said: "I want our children to be ethically informed citizens and have an understanding of climate change and creating a sustainable future for themselves, their communities and beyond.

"The ethos of the school is vital and, working alongside other outside agencies, we will continue to reflect and strive to make a positive, achievable difference."

Leo and Archie said they hoped for more climate action following Cop26

The effect of their learning about climate issues is evident in clarity by which the pupils talk about the issues humanity faces.

"When you pollute the earth gets warmer and then the ice melts", Rohan told ITV Wales, "which means polar bears lose their homes and the sea levels rise".

Asked how hopeful he was about the COP conference and how much it could achieve, Leo said: "They're most likely not going to solve the problem for good but by doing these things we can help prevent it from getting even more serious".

In addition to receiving the Eco Platinum Award, Coychurch Primary became an NQA Healthy School in July 2019 and was the first school in Wales to achieve the Sustrans Gold School Mark.

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