Meet the first baby born on the NHS - who's named after founder Aneurin Bevan

Meet the first person born in the National Health Service, Aneira 'Nye' Thomas

A Welsh woman's birth certificate is going on display at a national museum - as she was the very first baby born on the NHS.

Aneira 'Nye' Thomas wasn't named by her mother, but the doctor who delivered her as a nod to the National Health Service's founder, Aneurin Bevan.

She told Good Morning Britain that while in labour, her mother was told to "hold on" until midnight, in order to be crowned the NHS' first baby on July 5, 1948.

"As far as I know, she held her breath for one minute and I was born as the NHS was forming," she said.

"I was always introduced by my mother as 'Nye, my national health baby'."

Now Nye, as she's known, holds the NHS very close to her heart and has forged a career as a nurse.

She told GMB: "We led the way in 1948. I’ve always been passionate, proud and overwhelmed by the NHS.

"The people working within it - they are truly remarkable and I can’t praise them enough. We must cherish it and protect it for future generations."

Before the NHS was formed in 1948, women would either have to pay for a midwife or have their baby at home. Deaths from sepsis were a very common occurrence.

Aneira Thomas' birth certificate will go on display as part of the Imperial War Museum's new Second World War and The Holocaust Galleries.