People and emergency services across Wales mark International Nurses Day

International Nurses Day is celebrated on May 12. Credit: PA Images

People and emergency services teams across Wales have been paying tribute to our healthcare workers on International Nurses Day.

International Nurses Day marks 'the contributions that nurses make to society', with particular focus this year on the impact nurses have had on helping during the coronavirus pandemic. Midwives are also being celebrated as part of the day.

The Welsh Government said: "Nurses offer kindness, compassion, and life-saving care to people across Wales every day.

"Throughout the pandemic, they have touched the lives of so many of us, and have worked tirelessly to help us through the toughest of times. Diolch for all that you do."

This year the focus has been on the impact nurses have had during the pandemic. Credit: PA Images

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society Wales said: "On International Nurses Day we want to thank our compassionate, dedicated and skilled nursing colleagues. More than ever teamwork across professions and doing little things to help each other goes a very long way."