Charity calls for more funding as reports of children in abusive homes increase

Watch the full report by Sangita Lal.

Reports of children living in violent homes across Wales have risen since the beginning of the pandemic, according to a children's charity.

The NSPCC Cymru has warned that the Welsh Government needs to offer more support and better funding for children's services, as schools remain closed.

It says referrals to agencies in Wales post-lockdown (April - December 2020) increased by 54% compared to pre-lockdown (January 2020).

Vivienne Liang, Public Affairs Manager for NSPCC Cymru, said: “The risk of domestic abuse has been heightened in the last nine months with families living under increasing pressure and behind closed doors.

"To stop the pandemic having a lasting impact on children who suffer in this way, it is vital they have access to support in the community to recover and move forward with their lives as not all victims can go to a refuge for support."

The NSPCC says it’s now receiving more than 30 contacts a day from adults across the UK worried about children living with domestic abuse Credit: Tom Hull / NSPCC Cymru

Across the UK, 1,053 calls were made to the charity in November alone, which is a record high. For nine months, since the beginning of April, 8,371 calls were made - the charity says this is an increase of 53%.

One woman from Denbighshire, says she can't imagine how difficult life is for some children who are living with domestic abuse through the pandemic. Ashley - not her real name - saw her mother physically and verbally attacked by multiple partners for years.

The NSPCC Cymru is now calling for more funding from the Welsh Government to ensure all victims can gain equal access to support.

Vivienne Liang says: "Services have improved in wales since our legislation in 2015 and many areas have combined local funding and national funding to provide these services but there are still areas that don't have it. What we need to see is consistent funding from local and national government to make sure these services are there for these child victims."

A Welsh Government spokesperson said: “No matter where you live in Wales, we believe the services people and their families receive should be accessible and robust. That’s why we have provided more than £9m to the sector and local authorities this year – an increase of £4m – to respond to the increase in demand for specialist services and support.

"One of the key priorities is to support children and young people affected by domestic violence and sexual abuse.”

Any adult concerned about the welfare of a child can call the NSPCC helpline for free on 0808 800 5000 or via

Children can contact Childline for free on 0800 1111 or