Unemployment in Wales jumps to 4.6% - the highest increase across the UK

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Unemployment in Wales has jumped to 4.6% - the largest increase in joblessness out of the whole of the UK.

The figures from the Office for National Statistics show that between July and September 2020 unemployment in Wales grew by 1.9% when compared to the previous quarter.

Wales' unemployment rate is, however, still lower than the UK total of 4.8%.

The figures show there were 42,000 fewer people woking in Wales in this latest quarter than between April and June

On Monday non-essential shops in Wales reopened as the fire-break lockdown came to an end. Credit: PA

Last week The Chancellor of the Exchequer announced furlough would be extended until March to support businesses during the pandemic. Furloughed workers still count as employed.

The Office for National Statistics revealed a dramatic 782,000 drop in payrolled employment from March to October across the UK.