Vets warn dog owners about 'potential outbreak' of severe vomiting condition

Dog owners are being urged to look for signs of gastroenteritis, particularly profuse vomiting, in their pets after an ''unusually'' high number of cases of the condition.

It causes acute, profuse vomiting, lethargy and diarrhoea and now vets are warning dog owners in Wales and the rest of the UK to remain calm but vigilant.

The Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network (SAVSNET) at the University of Liverpool is currently investigating the potential outbreak.

National veterinary group, Vets4Pets, says it has noticed a rise in cases across its practices within recent weeks. It says people should contact their local vets if they have any concerns.


  • Profuse vomiting - sometimes up to five days, with five or more bouts within a 12-hour period.

  • Diarrhoea

  • Lethargic

  • Loss of appetite