Swansea rolls out new coffee cup recycling scheme

Orange coffee cup recycling bins are being installed across Swansea as part of a five-month pilot scheme called #InTheLoop.

The scheme encourages recycling-on-the-go and you can also recycle plastic bottles, cans and glass bottles in the bins.

Six bins are now in place, along Oxford Street and in Swansea Market and they plan to have five more installed by the end of the year in the city centre.

The coffee cups collected will be recycled at James Cropper Mill in Cumbria and turned into a range of paper products.

Swansea Cardiff City Council and Hubbub, who created the scheme, ask people who use the bins to make sure that the cups are empty and that stirrers and lids are put in the non-recyclable waste bins.

Wales ranks second in the world for recycling at home and 63% of general waste collected by local authorities is reusable, recyclable or compostable.