Women nearly 10% more likely to be economically inactive

Credit: PA

Women are nearly 10% more likely to be economically inactive according Wales' leading gender equality organisation.

They are 4 times as likely to attribute this to looking after children or the home than men.

Chwarae Teg's first 'State of the Nation' report also highlights the gender pay gap, which reaches 25% in some areas of Wales.

While women are relatively well represented in the National Assembly, the picture in local councils is far worse; at current rates it will be 2073 before we reach gender balance among our councillors. Similarly, in business, women are not reaching top roles accounting for just 6% of the chief executives of the top 100 businesses in Wales.

According to the report, women remain at greater risk of poverty, social isolation and violence.

Almost half of single parent households are living in poverty, 90% of which are women, and 52% of women aged 13-21 report having been sexually harassed in the street.

Cerys Furlong, Chief Executive at Chwarae Teg, said they want to 'remove barriers':