Young goat saved from ledge in 'dramatic' rope rescue

The team abseiled from 30 metres above the goat. Credit: RSPCA Cymru

A six-strong team of officers abseiled 30 metres to save a goat trapped on a ledge in a dramatic rope rescue.

The young male goat got stuck on a ledge towering above Llandudno's Marine Drive on Tuesday.

The team monitored the animal's progress before carrying out a detailed risk assessment. A six-strong team of frontline staff then decided to approach the trapped goat from above to bring him to safety.

Credit: RSPCA

The officers abseiled from 30 metres above the goat to catch him by the horns, before bagging him up to bring him to safety a further 20 metres down.

Mike Pugh, RSPCA inspector said it was a complex rescue.

RSPCA officers Andrew Broadbent, Jenny Anderton, Mike Pugh, Nayman Dunderdale, Ann Lloyd Williams and Vicki Taylor completed the rescue.