Welsh Remain leaders blame Jeremy Corbyn for defeat

Wales Stronger in Europe's message was rejected many Labour voters Credit: campaign poster

The men who ran the 'Wales Stronger in Europe' campaign have revealed how they realised only when it was too late that they could not rely on Labour getting its supporters to vote for the UK to remain in the European Union.

Campaign director Stewart Owadally and press officer Alex Kalinik admit to some responsibility for the referendum defeat in Wales but in a letter to their MP, they place much of the blame on the Labour party and in particular its leader, Jeremy Corbyn.

In their letter to Cardiff South and Penarth MP Stephen Doughty, they exempt him from criticism and also praise MPs Wayne David and Stephen Kinnock, Eluned Morgan AM and Labour peers Neil Kinnock and Peter Hain.

Welsh Labour party officials are also identified as "notable and honourable exceptions" compared with Labour headquarters in London. Owadally and Kalinik claim that they were refused campaign visits by Labour politicians and denied the research and rebuttal materials that they needed. They say that the problem went to the very top of the party.