Major education review finds problems with attracting and retaining talent

The report was compiled by Professor Hazelkorn Credit: Barry Batchelor/PA Wire

A major review into education in Wales has found an inability to attract and retain talent due to "inadequate "educational and employment opportunities.

The comments come in a report led by Professor Hazelkorn, who notes the 'considerable' challenges the sector is under.

The review was commissioned in July 2015 when the Education Minister asked her to review the oversight and regulation of post-compulsory education and training.

Underpinning the report, which aims for Wales to become 'world class' in the sector, are ambitions to:

  • Enhance educational and career opportunities

  • Help regional social, cultural and economic development

  • Boost institutional and national global competitiveness

The review emphasises how education and training can enhance career opportunities; with Universities Wales telling ITV News that they're pleased the report recognises the roles universities play in economic prosperity and social justice.

There are six key recommendations:

  • Develop an overarching vision for the post-compulsory education system for Wales based upon stronger links between education policy, providers and provisions and social and economic goals

  • To establish a single new authority, to be called the tertiary education authority, as the single regulatory, oversight and coordinating authority in the sector. This would mean replacing HEFCW.

  • Place the needs of learners at the centre of the educational system.

  • All institutions should address the full range of responsibilities towards society

  • Create a better balance between supply-led and demand-led education

  • Create the appropriate policies, processes and practices to encourage better long-term and joint-and up thinking about the educational needs and requirements for Wales, now and into the future.

The Education Minister says he welcomes the report but that it will be up to the next government to decide what to do about it. As for the body that could be cut, HEFCW, they say they will work closely with the next government as it considers the recommendations.