'Messy' e-cigarette compromise needed to get law changed says Health Minister

Mark Drakeford Credit: ITV Wales

It's been a busy 2015 in health. Organ donation, special measures and a general election. In an end of year interview Mark Drakeford looks at some of the big issues of the year and what's ahead in 2016.

On e-cigarettes

Mark Drakeford want to see a full ban on e-cigarettes in enclosed public spaces but there's plenty of opposition. He's trying to find a compromise to try and win over wavering assembly members but he concedes his latest plans are "messy" and will make it harder for the public to understand.

On future of health in north Wales

Health care in north Wales has had a difficult year. There was national outrage when it was revealed that vulnerable elderly patients were being abused and public protests over the handling of maternity care. In the summer the Betsi Cadwaladr became the first health board in Wales to go into special measures. So does it have a future?

On 24/7 access to GPs

As England moves to a 7 day a week GP system, Mark Drakeford says it won't happen in Wales because it doesn't work

On the Assembly election

2016 sees an Assembly election where health will be the number 1 topic. Labour will have to defend its record on the health service and Mark Drakeford has a warning to other parties.

There will be lots of twists and turns in 2016 but everything will be shaped around the Assembly election. Enjoy the next few days over Christmas because from January the electioneering will begin.