Welcome to the mosque feeding 400 people a night

Breaking fast at Dar Ul-Isra mosque Credit: ITV Wales

During the month of Ramadan Muslims across Wales are fasting during daylight hours. It's a time to reflect and think of others.

The Dar Ul-Isra mosque in Cardiff has been catering for hundreds of people during this time, so many can come together to break the fast.

In the months leading up to Ramadan, Social Events Co-ordinator Abu Mustafa organises equipment and ingredients, to feed those who attend the meals. On average a dinner to feed up to 400 people contains:

  • 7kg of lentils

  • 35kg of rice

  • 50kg of meat

Teams of volunteers prepare the food Credit: ITV Wales

Teams of volunteers cook and serve the food - all without tasting or trying, as they too are fasting:

Matwalli Khamin Credit: ITV Wales

The team at the mosque are keen to open up the meals to people of all faiths and backgrounds, as Megan Boot has been finding out: