Parents urged to give children 'gender-inclusive' toys this Christmas

Chwarae Teg says adults should think twice before thinking their children want gender specific toys Credit: PA

A Welsh charity is urging parents to give their children 'gender-inclusive' toys this Christmas to break the convention that girls and boys should have different kinds of toys.

Chwarae Teg is calling on adults to think twice before assuming that youngsters want their stockings filled with toys specific to their gender.

Recent research shows that men and women in Wales still pursue very different occupations due to attitudes developed at a young age about the types of jobs that are suitable for each gender.

There is also growing pressure through campaigns such as 'Let Toys be Toys' to persuade manufacturers and retailers to scrap gender-based marketing of toys.

Some businesses have begun to respond to calls for change.

Lego has just produced a new line of female scientist figures and Tesco recently removed in-store signs promoting superhero toys as 'fun gifts for boys'.

But parents are still choosing to buy gender-specific toys this year. Toys-R-Us top toys for 2014 include;

  • Disney dolls

  • Trucks and car sets

  • Superhero toys

  • Jewellery making sets